Failing Faith: When what you thought you knew about God doesn't work in the Real World

Mar 6, 2022    Brian Grubbs

One of my favorite Christian artists, in a song of prayer asked the FATHER, "Give us faith to be strong, give us strength to be faithful - this life isn't long but its hard." Faith isn't an easy venture. It is quite hard at times. And we know that faith is so important to us as Christians. We don't want a failing faith, but instead we want a mighty faith.

Through this series we are striving to discover ways that help our faith grow and to recognize what may cause our faith to seem like a failure. This morning we will be looking at a prophet and a time when he was about to throw in the towel. Lets learn from what he experienced so that we, if tempted to throw in the towel will instead have a strong faith. So, LORD, give us faith to be strong, gives us strength to be faithful.